Yup, i actually was able to release a new track before May. I find it kinda unbelivable, but it has been done already so no turning back now i quess.
My new track is dedicated to Discord group called "Hypernova" (therefore came title of the track) who have supported me, given me feedback and just making my day when things are sad (dedication details are in the desc. of the track)
About the production:
Slow but Efirm and progressive. It was hard, but fun to work on. After small break i made (due to last track being scrapped) i wanted to make something experimental. And just so happened that dj-Nate released Theory of everything 3 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiAz__CBDIU), so i wanted to make something similliar starting off with simple reverby piano and choirs. But then things took a whole new direction if i suddenly, out of nowhere, came the saxophone melody. It mixed up everything. Then came the drop, which first seemed like impossible task because i decided to try out Xtrullors style. But after watching few tutorials i managed to pull this off. I quess that its all you need to know about production because other half came (as usual) with an ease. When i make a track, first part is the hardest, but when reach halfway, the track pretty much builds itself.
Hope i didnt bore you with this post. I just wanted to share my proccess of production with you.
Be cool :-)
EDIT 09.04.17
Youtube video link: