After 4-5 months of work im more than happy to present to you my new EP :)
I got to utilize many new tricks, techniques and ideas that i previously couldn't which makes it into one of my more experimental albums (not too much, but experiemntal enough to be called experimental)
Unlike the release of my previous "Album" (more of a collection though), i wont bother you with much development details. If you have questions im happy to answer them, but currently im soo tangled up with this project that im finding it hard to correctly phrase my feelings, workflow and techniques. I also stepped up my visualizer for this release so if you want to check that out, its up on youtube.
There is also a sample pack coming along with the EP that includes 50 samples hand-picked from the EP. It is completely free, so you dont need to feel bad about downloading this :)
However if you are interested in supporting me and my work, then you can purchase the EP on Bandcamp.
With that i wish you all a sweet summer!